Dream & Sugar Demo Release Diary

Hello fellow Couch Lions!

We’ve crossed a big milestone recently, sharing the Dream & Sugar demo with the world! It’s been about a year’s worth of development, and we’re super excited that now all you folks can start downloading the demo and getting to know the characters in our first game. At this point we have the entirety of the story written and are in the process of turning prose into code! Dream & Sugar is built in a mix of Unity and the Ren’Py system, and our awesome code monkeys are working around the clock to put the rest of the game together.

Meanwhile our crack team of artists are pleased you finally get to see some of their hard work as you make your way through the demo. When we began production on Dream & Sugar, we decided early that we wanted the environment to be a 3D space.This gave us the freedom to get multiple angles of the same area without having to redraw it every time. Alternatively, our characters are in a distinct 2D style, paying homage to the great visual novels that came before us. This means when you’re chatting with any of our three eligible romance options, you’re getting an up close and personal view of just how hard our artists have been working.

The full release date for Dream & Sugar is going to be later this year, 2022, but you can be sure to look forward to monthly updates from me, your resident Couch Lion Studios Dev Diary. You can also check the official Twitter or Instagram for updates, wherever you prefer to consume your internet content. Found a bug in the demo? Send us a bug report through our website, and we’ll get right on squish squashing that for you. New versions of the game with fixes are constantly being worked on, but we’ll make sure to let y’all know if anything big’s changing!

So until I see you next time, enjoy the demo! Which characters do you like best? Do you have any questions for me to take back to the team? What’s the funniest or most game-breaking bug you’ve found so far? Let us know! We love hearing from you. Thank you so much for your support and we look forward to this adventure with you!

  • Couch Lion Studios


Dream & Sugar 897 MB
Version 1.1.15 Jan 02, 2022

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